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About the Journal

The Journal of Mechanical Design (JMD) serves the broad design community as the venue for scholarly, archival research in all aspects of the engineering design activity and welcomes contributions from all areas of design with an emphasis on design synthesis. While the journal has traditionally served the ASME Design Engineering Division, it embraces interdisciplinary design research topics and encourages submissions from teams of interdisciplinary researchers who work on theories and methods to support the design of emerging engineered products and systems. The journal communicates original contributions, primarily in the form of research articles of considerable depth, but also technical briefs, design innovation papers, book reviews, review articles on research topics or history of engineering design, and editorials. For more information, visit the companion website:

Scope:Design automation, including design representation, virtual reality, geometric design, design evaluation, design optimization, data-driven design, artificial intelligence in design, simulation-based design under uncertainty, design of complex systems, design of engineered materials systems, shape and topology optimization, engineering design for global development, ergonomic and aesthetic considerations in design methodology, and design for market systems; Design of power transmission systems with an orientation towards interdisciplinary research on design and optimization of such systems and with an emphasis on new emerging techniques and novel mechanisms; Design education; Design of energy, fluid, and power handling systems; Design innovation and devices, including design of smart products and materials; Design for manufacturing and the lifecycle, including design for the environment, DFX, and sustainable design; Design of mechanisms and robotic systems, including design of macro-, micro- and nano-scaled mechanical systems, machine and robotic components, and machine system design; Design theory and methodology, including creativity in design, decision analysis, preference modeling, user-centered design, design cognition, entrepreneurship and teams in design, design prototyping, and design synthesis.

Diversity and Inclusion The Technical Committee on Publications and Communications endorses the commitment of ASME to support diversity and to create and ensure inclusive and ethical practices for publishing as well as the science and engineering professions.

Frequency: Monthly

ISSN: 1050-0472
eISSN: 1528-9001

Title History
Journal of Mechanical Design (ISSN: 1050-0472), 1990 - Present
Journal of Mechanisms, Transmissions, and Automation in Design (ISSN: 0738-0666), 1983 - 1989
Journal of Mechanical Design (ISSN: 0161-8458), 1978 - 1982

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Impact Factor: 2.9
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